Malaysia’s MOH Authorizes Health Claims for Palm Tocotrienol Rich Fraction

Jan 13th, 2023 – New York, USA. Palm Tocotrienol-Rich Fraction (Palm TRF or Palm Tocotrienols/Tocopherol Complex) has been authorized by the Ministry of Health (Malaysia) to carry two health claims – “may help to improve cognitive function” and “an antioxidant and may help to reduce oxidative stress”.
Ministry of Health Malaysia (Food Safety and Quality Division) announced that after reviewing the scientific evidence and feedback from industry stakeholders, it has officially approved nutrient function claims for Palm TRF as follows:-
- Palm TRF may help to improve cognitive function
- Palm TRF is an antioxidant and may help to reduce oxidative stress
In order to make these claims, a finished product (fortified food or drink) would need to contain a minimum of 10 mg of pure tocotrienols per 100 g of solid finished product or 10 mg of pure tocotrienols per 100 ml of liquid product.
“The science and work carefully achieved during the past years in assessing the safety and beneficial health effects of Palm TRF continue to receive official acknowledgements. As such, we are so pleased that MOH recognizes the role of Palm TRF plays in improving cognitive functions as well as reducing oxidative stress, especially in addressing the risk of degenerative conditions associated with ageing. This is a significant step in demonstrating that Palm TRF can contribute to supporting and improving cognitive functions especially in the elderly population, in addition to its role in many other functions in the body,” stated Dr. Ariati Aris, Scientific Affairs Specialist at PhytoGaia, a leading supplier of Palm TRF under the brand name “TocoGaiaTM”.
“Palm TRF is the first tocotrienol complex to receive such health claims. Supported by a large body of scientific evidence and clinical studies carried out by the international scientific community, proving its effectiveness, and confirming the premise that not all tocotrienols are the same, it is gratifying that the functional effectiveness of Palm TRF especially in improving cognitive function and reducing oxidative stress, has received this important approval from the regulatory authority in the Malaysian market,” said Bryan See, Vice President of PhytoGaia.
“We are encouraged by the fact that with these authorized health claims, Palm TRF consumption can benefit human health via improving cognitive functions and reducing oxidative stress, two of the most important factors for healthy ageing. It will pave the way for consumers to fully embrace Palm TRF and more importantly raise the awareness of the health importance of Palm TRF in addressing degenerative conditions associated with ageing – to help them live a life that is not just longer but healthier,” continued Bryan.
“PhytoGaia’s Palm TRF – TocoGaiaTM is a natural full spectrum tocotrienol complex extracted from sustainably-sourced palm fruits via a novel process that does not use any solvents or chemicals. It is the cleanest Palm TRF option for companies or brands that are interested in formulating products with tocotrienols for various product concepts”.